Thursday, August 25, 2011

Elegant Stationery Returns - Wall Street Journal 8/25/2011

This was brought to my attention this morning by my friend's husband. He texted that I should go and grab a Wall Street Journal. Needless to say I did and Wow! A very common question I get asked is..."Hasn't email, social media, texting, etc. hurt the stationery business?" My answer is always the same. "No" I emphatically reply, but I always have the nagging question in the back of my mind..."Has it?, Will it?" I am declaring today that my nagging fear is removed and I am here to state to all you nay-sayers, "Stationery has Returned!!" The Wall Street Journal is confirming my affirmation. If you have any doubts about this subject I highly recommend you picking up, (or going online) to read the article, which is in the August 25, 2011 WSJ. For those of you who are hiding behind email, texts and social media and want to step out into a more personal, elegant, and hands on experience, don't be shy, go grab some swanky note cards and pen your friends a note!
Thanks JD!